"Gauge" Battery, remaining time indicator and much more - The remaining battery capacity depends on the ampere-hours consumed, the discharge current, the temperature, and the age of the battery. Complex software algorithms are required to take all these variables into account. In addition to basic display options such as voltage, current, and ampere-hours consumed, the BMV-700 series also displays the state of charge, remaining time, and power consumption in watts. The BMV-712 has an additional input that can be programmed to measure the voltage (of a second battery), the battery temperature, or the median voltage.
Integrated Bluetooth Communication - Monitor your batteries on smartphones, tablets, MacBooks, and other Apple or Android devices. Easy to install - the shunt interrupts the negative output from the battery and connects to the monitor with a standard RJ12 telephone cable. Easy to program - a quick installation menu and a detailed configuration menu with scrolling texts Assists the user during the various settings